Sunday, 27 September 2015

New book!

Dear readers,

I would like to let you know that a second edition of ‘The IELTS for Beginners’ will be available at Smashwords and other ebook retailers from 20 October 2015. This new edition provides a detailed breakdown of the types of questions found in the listening and reading sections and techniques on how to identify the answers. There are also more details about the writing questions and guidance on how to write as per the test requirements.

As the book is aimed at test takers who are not very familiar with this exam and those who need to take the test again, the book is written in plain language to make it easy to follow.

To those of you who have purchased my previous books I would like to say ‘thank you’ and I hope that you will find this one equally useful.

Good luck in your upcoming exam.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Instructions in the IELTS test

How many of us usually read instructions carefully? Honestly, I think it’s safer to say that we skim them at best. But if you have to take this test it’s a good idea to get used to reading instructions from beginning to end and then re-reading them just to make sure you haven’t missed anything.

It may appear useless, but the information changes from one test to another. Sometimes in the Reading and Listening sections the answers are limited to two words while other times to three. In the Writing part, candidates may find that the greeting for the letter has already been provided or that the essay question is asking only for a discussion of advantages but not of disadvantages of a specific topic.

A cautious reading of the instructions will ensure that you provide the correct answers and get the scores you need.

Until next time,
Good luck