Here are some things to be
aware of during the Writing section of the IELTS exam.
Some may seem very easy,
childish even, but remember that when writing under pressure it is very easy to
think of the rules of the native language and forget those of English or even
write without any rules in mind.
Ensure that your
handwriting is legible.
· Ensure that the first
letter of the first word in every sentence is a capital letter.
· Make sure that you know
which types of words in English need to be written with initial capital in all
situations and write them correctly (for instance: days of the week, names of
languages, etc.)
· You can start writing from
the left hand side of the page (block style) or you can begin the first
sentence of every paragraph with an indent (a small blank space at the
beginning of the line).
· Try to avoid using question
marks (?). Use indirect questions instead.
e.g.: What is
the time?I would like to know what the time is.
· Try to avoid using
exclamation marks (!), even if you are writing a letter of complaint. You are
not writing an email or a blog post. Try to be polite.
- Make sure that other punctuation marks are placed right after
- …
people, NOT … people
- If you
reach the end of the line it is also important to keep punctuation
NOT …people
- If you are at the end of the line and realise that you cannot write
an entire word in the space left, do not break it into syllables. Erase it
and write the whole word on the next line instead to avoid mistakes.
Until next time,
God luck